State of Florida
Application Process
Couples wishing to be married in the state of Florida must obtain for a marriage license. Marriage licenses are issued by counties and you can apply for your license at any County Clerk’s Office in Florida
Both parties are to appear in the Clerk’s Office and sign the application.
The legal age for marriage without parental consent is eighteen (18) years of age.
The legal age for marriage, with parent’s consent, is sixteen (16).
Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport or State ID with picture)
No blood tests are required.
Marriage license is valid for 60 days after issuance.
You can get married in any county in Florida, regardless of where you obtained your marriage license.
The fee for a marriage license is $93.50 and there is a three (3) day waiting period for Florida residents; there is no waiting period for non-residents.
You Should bring the license with you for the ceremony. After the ceremony our officiant will sign the license and file it for you. You will get the marriage certificate by mail in 3-4 weeks after the wedding.
TELEPHONE: (305) 294-4641
MARRIAGE LICENSE OFFICE: A marriage license may be acquired between 8.30 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday, except legal holidays*, at the MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE , 500 Whitehead street, Key West, Florida 33040 , FL Phone (305) 294-4641. (No appointment necessary).
MARRIAGE LICENSE FEE: $93.50 (not included in our services). Payment may be made to the Clerk of Court by cash, money order, personal check or credit card (there is a $2.50 additional service charge for payment by credit card).
BUSINESS HOURS: All Clerk's offices are closed weekends and holidays and the office hours vary from 8.30 AM to 5 PM. Most offices require that you arrive before 5 PM to have your marriage license processed that day.
A FLORIDA marriage license is required for ALL marriages performed in the State of Florida and is good anywhere in the State, regardless of the county issuing the license. Marriage licenses must be applied for in person with BOTH the prospective bride AND groom present. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and provide the office with identification containing a photograph and birth date. One (1) identification is required with the applicant's picture, signature, and birth date. Driver's License, Passport, Military ID, Alien Registration Card, and State of Florida ID are acceptable. All U.S. Citizens must also provide their Social Security Number. Those who are not U.S. citizens and/or have no Social Security number may provide an Alien Registration Card, Passport or any other form of acceptable government issued photo ID. There is no residence or citizenship status requirement. A blood test is no longer required, and the marriage license is valid for sixty (60) days anywhere in the State of Florida.
NOTE: If either applicant has been previously married, he/she MUST provide the Clerk the DATE his/her last marriage ended by death, divorce or annulment. If that marriage ended within the last sixty (60) days, he/she must also bring proof showing how the marriage ended. (If it ended more than 60 days ago, proof is not required.)
Non-Florida Residents: As long as NEITHER the prospective bride nor groom is a Florida resident, there is NO WAITING PERIOD. The premarital preparation course is NOT offered to NON-residents.
Florida Residents: Effective January 1, 1999, if a couple has not completed a premarital preparation course from a qualified course provider, the effective date of the marriage license will be delayed three (3) days from the date of application. Those couples who have completed a course will have the fee reduced by $32.50 and will have no waiting period to get married
Marriage license is valid for 60 days after issuance. You must perform the ceremony of marriage before this 60 days has expired